Welcome to Chase City Elementary School!
It is a privilege to serve as Principal of Chase City Elementary. We have a long and proud history–from the days of Thyne Elementary and Chase City Primary Schools to the school that exists today. We proudly honor our past and work daily to prepare our students for the world tomorrow.
As we prepare students for post-secondary life, it is important that we develop students’ 21st-century soft skills that will allow them to enter the work force successfully. A student of Mecklenburg County Public Schools will effectively use the 5 C’s–critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication and citizenship–inside and outside of the classroom.
CCES strives to provide each student with a sound academic foundation that will help them prepare to be college or career ready. The staff works collaboratively to plan and organize rich, rigorous and ultimately rewarding lessons and activities (including hands-on demonstrations, technology-based activities, computer science integration) for your child.
So how can you help? Read…read…read! Have your child read (or read to them) daily for at least twenty minutes. Reading builds vocabulary and comprehension skills. A child that is read to daily will enter kindergarten knowing upwards of one million words! Reading also expands a child’s creativity and imagination. We love books and we want our students to love books, too! Our classrooms all have books to read and our library has a huge collection of titles. In addition, we have a “lending library” in our front lobby where parents can get books to read to children at home. The premise is simple…take a book…read it…return it and grab another!
It is important that parents become active participants in a child’s education. The home, community, and school must work as a team to prepare our young people to become members of the “global community”. I encourage you to communicate regularly with your child’s teacher, attend meetings and conferences, and join our PTA. Your support is wanted and needed. And, if I can be of assistance to you at any time, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to serving your family and I challenge you to make this year the best yet!
Frederick Taylor