Dear Parent or Guardian,


We are writing to let you know that during the time we are out we still need you to report to us if you have covid or if you are considered a close contact of someone that has covid.  Please call the school number and they will message me to return your call.  We will do contact tracing as we have done before to determine when your isolation/quarantine time ends and it is safe for you to be around others.  We keep a log and share it with the Southside Health Department.  This helps the Southside Health Department as we have been trained as contact tracers.  Our hopes and prayers are that you and your family will stay healthy while we are out.  


Do Your Part to Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19 by Staying at Home As Much As Possible.

  • We are all safer at home, especially those who are at higher risk of severe illness. While we can’t remove all risk of getting COVID-19, there are things we can do to lessen that risk.   
  • It is important to maintain good social distance (at least 6 feet) between yourself and others. Wash your hands often, stay home if you are sick, and disinfect high-touch surfaces frequently. 
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a face mask (also known as a cloth face covering) when around others in public places. Make sure that your mask fits and be sure to wear your mask properly; it should completely cover both the nose and mouth, fit snugly but comfortably against the sides of your face, and allow you to breathe without restriction.
  • Remember that if you have COVID-19, have any signs or symptoms, or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you should stay home and away from other people to prevent spreading illness to others.

These are all very important ways to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.   

You can find more information here:




Lynn Lucy, LPN

School Nurse