We are happy to announce two virtual dual enrollment information sessions for your school communities (both the Electrical and HVAC programs at the Lake Country Area Knowledge Center & the Precision Machining at the Emporia site will be discussed during each session).   These sessions will be hosted on April 23rd (next Thursday) as part of our Panther Prep Day.  They will be hosted at 10 am and 6 pm by our ELE, HVAC, and PM department faculty and dean.  We plan to have a question and answer portion that will allow parents and students to ask questions about the programs and how to participate.  If you have questions about the logistics of the programs, please send those to us so we can iron those out as quickly as possible (ideally before the virtual sessions). We also encourage each of you to send us any questions you have had from students or any you foresee getting ahead of the sessions so we can prepare the most concise responses.
We are working on the logistics of providing these sessions in more than one format simultaneously, so I will be sending the virtual options and links as soon as they are finalized. In the meantime, we hope you will share the date and times with your communities and let them know to watch for additional details to come.  Hope to see you all there!